Islam Malang

Islam Malang

Unisma Lecturer Invented  an Environmentally Friendly Chili Farming Model

The lecturer of University of Islam Malang (Unisma) managed to find an environmentally friendly farming model of red chili. The research model of the the red chili farming is an alternative effort to control the disease, anthracnose, which commonly attacks this plant.

The Unisma lecturer, Ir Djuhari MSi, who invented this red chili farming  model asserted that this model has managed to anticipate the attack of anthracnose disease. Pests and other diseases especially anthracnose become a major obstacle identified in the decline in production, in addition to uncertain weather, and inadequate cultivation technology.

“The novelty of this model is as an effort to control anthracnose disease which is a combination of location-specific Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to control anthracnose disease with habitat engineering and cultivation techniques with selected variables,” said Djuhari.

The research by the lecturer of this leading NU  campus successfully invented the dominant factors influencing the onset of anthracnose disease with the structural model of Partial Least Square. In addition, he also verified the Partial Least Square Structural model with experiments in red chili cultivation.

The study was conducted in four red chili centers in East Java, including Malang, Kediri, Madiun, and Tuban regencies. The research was conducted by Djuhari from October 2017 to September 2018 which employs survey research methods, modeling, and model verification, as well as  experiments.

The results of research on this red chili farming  model with habitat manipulation and cultivation techniques can be used as an environmentally friendly HPT control. With this model pesticides are not used.



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