Islam Malang

Islam Malang


Student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, Unisma, Malia Anjani invented an instrument used to detect early hipertyroid disease named Gravidec.

Malia explained that her research on Gravidec had gained recognition in Comparative Study of 3  Countries held by Student Backpacker in Singapore on April 23-28. In that event, Malia won the first place.

Furthermore Malia explained that the working concept of Gravidec resembles a test pack to test pregnancy. “The difference is, I change the protein with TsaB. So, it can be cheaper,” she explained.

Because of affordable price, Gravidec has the potential for  mass production; hence anyone can perform early detection of hyperthyroid test at home without going to the hospital for hyperthyroid test.

Another Unisma student, Tengku Anggun Lestari, also took part in the Comparative Study of 3 Countries. Anggun carried out a study entitled “Plastic Biodegradable Combination of Seaweed and White Egg “.

Although she didn’t win, Anggun’s research results are fairly applicable. She made plastic made from seaweed which is easily degradable.

“After reading lots of journals, I found that seaweed was good. It contains high Cellulose,” she said.

Anggun revealed that when the delegates from Unisma Malang attended an event in Singapore, they were also required to conduct a market test. “We have to test the market directly in Singapore. The respondents are foreigners in several public places like Universal Studio, Garden Bay, and Merlion Park in a limited time. Finally, we have to write a report, “she explained

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universitas islam malang



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