Islam Malang

Islam Malang


Research and community service unit of Unisma held a competitive research proposal clinic for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs Ā with Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si as the key note speaker Ā who is the National Reviewer of Islamic higher education Ā in the Uthman bin Affan Building, 7th floor. (4/12)

Unisma’s vice rector 1, Prof. Drs. H. Junaidi Mistar, M.Pd., P.hD revealed that the clinical assistance for the preparation of competitive research proposals is for strengthening Unisma as a Research University as Unisma milestone for the 2019 to 2023 periods.

“In the Research University development phase, research activities become the foundation of all activities Ā such as research-based learning activities, then finding all the research opportunities from outside, and even we have to create research opportunities” said Prof. Junaidi.

Furthermore, Unisma’s vice Ā rector 1 also strongly recommended that all lecturers take part and Ā compete for research grantsfrom the Ministry of Research and Ā Higher Education, Ministry of Religion Affairs and even from other ministries with other research schemes as well.

Prof. Junaidi also added that this assistance clinic was related to efforts to win competitive grants from the Ministry of Religion Affairs. Later, we will also create research opportunities for lecturers through our own scheme called HIMA.

Chair of research and community service unit, Dr. Nour Athiroh Abdoes Sjakoer, S.Si., M. Kes, added that this activity will not stop here, but will facilitate them further through other mentoring clinics.


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