Islam Malang

Islam Malang

Attending theSchool of Capital Market Bacht V Enthusiastically

As many as 170 students of the faculty of Economics and Business ofUniversitas Islam Malangare educatedon capital markets held by PT IPOT Sekuritas and PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesian Stock Exchange). This agenda held on January 8, 2019,  was intended to boost financial inclusion in the community, including among students.

During the event which was locatedat the 7th floor of the Usman Bin Affan Building, the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Nur Diana SE, MSi, said that the implementation of Triparteit cooperation between FEB UNISMA and PT BEI and PT IPOT Securities was carried out by the School of Capital Market (SPM) which was held every semester. This Capital Market event has become the best course in FEB UNISMA.

This School of Capital Market is hosted by practitioners who will orient all materialsto the Capital Market in Indonesia. Moreover, challenges and opportunities in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the world encourage the capital market to build  digital infrastructure and technology through the development of JATS Next-G. This must be understood by FEB students as prospective graduates who will later enter this field. We hope that this update on the Indonesia stock exchange can be conveyed well by the presenters. Furthermore, the dean of FEB UNISMA opened the School of Capital Market activity under the theme Opportunities and Challenges for Securities Industries in the Revolutionary Era 4.0


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