Islam Malang

Islam Malang


Even in the midst of a pandemic, Jam’iyyatul Qurra ’wal Huffadz (JQH),  a Student Activity Unit of Unisma, won the national favorite champion. The event they participated in was the national Musabaqoh Tilawati Qur’an (Holy Koran recitation championship) which was held at Malang State University.

According to the chairman of this student activity unit, Furqqon Hamid, the national Musabaqoh Tilawati Qur’an  competition was participated in by almost all universities throughout Indonesia. The team from the Nahdlatul Ulama campus is actually surprised  as well as disbelieved winning the favorite champion as other participants also perform well. Moreover, this event is a national level competition, in which the chosen participants are from all over the country.

“This is a surprise for us, participants who at first did not count at all,” Furqqon said, when interviewed through online media, Wednesday (06/06).

The chairman of the Unisma national Musabaqoh Tilawati Qur’an  division then explained, the Student Activity Unit had been well prepared for 3 months before this competition. This pandemic did not become an obstacle for intensive training. They also practice online through line groups once a week. This group is monitored directly by experienced trainer.

“We emphasize that there is no target in every competition. Only give the best while spreading the values ​​contained in the Qur’an. Getting the champion is only a bonus, “Furqqon said.

The team of Unisma JQH realizes that in this world there are no experts, but only rich experience may  lead to achievement; hence this team actively practice reciting Holy Koran although there is no competition. Furthermore, the participants of  Musyabaqoh Tilawati Qur’an are  not only judged by their ability to recite but also their appearance.

Here are the names of of the team members who competed and made the campus proud. Among them are Ria Rizka Rahmania who won the 4th best National level, Nurul Fadhilla won for the national  most favorite Sari tilawah and  Yusuf Ardiansyah who has managed to become the 3rd best national champion.



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