Islam Malang

Islam Malang


The Faculty of Engineering Student Association of Unisma made achievements by obtaining funding for the 2019 Village Development Grant Program funded by Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education.

The Village Development Grant Program Team belongs to Engineering  Student Association consisting  of 10 students from three different batches. This funding is based on student proposals under the title “Development of Banyu Umbulan Education Tourism and Technology-Based Coffee Centers Through Community Empowerment of Pamotan Village for Sekolah Rakyat (elementary schools in colonila era) Graduates in Dampit District of Malang Regency”.

“We created this program by looking at the enormous potential of natural resources in Pamotan Village, especially Umbulrejo village. In this village there are baths that have a natural beauty and great potential to be developed into natural attractions and education and  unfortunately this potential is not well managed, and is less well known by the community, “said Moh. Nur Ramadhan Abdillah, the team leader.

He added that in this program we also introduce people to technology in the form of micro-hydro power plants and water filtration, as one of the attractions in the village. No less important in this program is assistance in the management and management of tourism objects in the hope that they can be recognized by domestic and foreign tourists.

Meanwhile Ismi Choirotin ST., MT., MSc, as a co-lecturer for  funding from the Directorate of Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research and Technology, provides opportunities for students to engage directly in the community and develop their soft skills in addition to their academic abilities.

“Unisma Faculty of Engineering graduates must have good academic skills, social concern and always benefit the wider community,” she said.


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