Welcome Address by the Rector of University of Islam Malang


Alhamdulillah, let us express our gratitude to Allah the Almighty, the most merciful and the most beneficent. Because of His blessings and grace, unisma.ac.id has been created successfully as one of information and communication media between University of Islam Malang and its external communities.

Since its foundation on 27 March 1981, UNISMA has been being managed by Ma’arif organization of Nahdlatul Ulama. UNISMA earns trust from the government and various levels of society to participate in national development, especially in education. For example, UNISMA has managed various programs and prestigious projects from Directorate General of Higher Education of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

Several development and community service programs that have been being managed by UNISMA were: I-MHERE which was funded by World Bank, HPEQ, LAPIS, ELOIS, and ADS which were funded by Australian government, and many more community service programs which were funded by non-governmental organization.

Furthermore, UNISMA won some competitive project grants from Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia such as: Quality Improvement of Education Program, A1, A2, Semique, INHERENT K1 and K3, and PHP PTS Programs in 2010 and 2011. Besides, UNISMA is one of universities which has managed the quality and qualification improvement for medical education program as well as pilot project of Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education program from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia.

In 2008, University of Islam Malang obtained the best campus grant from Kopertis Wilayah VII (Private College Coordination, Region VII) as the best campus. UNISMA also developed Halal Centre Laboratory and Dormitory.s

Regarding the curriculum, all study programs at UNISMA implement competence based and KKNI curricula (Indonesia National Qualification Framework). The learning outcomes of bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral as well as profession programs refer to national and international learning outcomes standards.

UNISMA also develops multi units for students’ facilities, such as: finance center, canteen, auditorium, student corner, mushroom cultivation program, ornamental cultivation plants, integrated farm, etc. Based on the achievement mentioned above, UNISMA has been preparing excellent generation for better future.

May Allah Protects us. Amiiin.



Prof. Dr. H. Masykuri Bakri, M.Si.