Islam Malang

Islam Malang

A Ladder to a World Class University

Since its inception, the English for Staff Program received a tremendous response from the Unisma academic community in Malang. In the second year of the program launched by the Foreign Language Development Center (P2BA) Unisma, it becomes one of the supporting means to achieve the world class university. In this commemoartion of the 2nd Anniversary of Tea Time English – Unisma Speak English (TTE – USE) and Al Yaum Al Arab(Arabic day), the head of P2BA, Dr. Hj. Mutmainnah Mustofa, M.Pd said that this program is  focused on improving the pronunciation of foreign languages, especially English and Arabic. “Most of the lecturers, employees and students are already rich in vocabulary in foreign languages. But in this context, language is not only learned but also must be spoken, “she said. Furthermore, the head of P2BA explained that another excellent program isOne for Twenty. “Every 1 student of English department is obliged to be a tutor for 20 other non-English students,” she added. The rector of Unisma Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si who attended the occasion appreciated the activities that support the internationalization of Unisma by familiarizing themselves with the international languages at Unisma. “In the future, this program mustbe run not only every month, but every day instead, so that the 2nd language academic nuances can continue to be developed, “she said. This activity took place in the graduate building lobby attended by lecturers, employees,and students ofUnisma Malang.


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