Islam Malang

Islam Malang


Unisma continues to make great achievements amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The latest is the achievement of the 4th best university out of 328 private universities under the Institute for Higher Education Services (LLDIKTI) Region VII East Java and in  the third place for publication category.

This makes Unisma Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si proud of this achievement. Many universities have experienced rank degrading; meanwhile Unisma has managed to maintain its position.

“We were also in 4th place last year and in 2020. We are proud of being able to maintain this position because many universities have also experienced a downgrade and we can still survive,” said the Rector of Unisma, Thursday (10/12).

On the other hand, Unisma also got 3rd place for the excellence in the publication category. This is a very good achievement toward the end of 2020. “So in the publication there are scientific works such as journals, books and partners with the mass media. This is not only from lecturers, but also from students,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Maskuri explained that the programs implemented by Unisma are geared to build cooperation with all institutions to foreign governments such as China.

“One of the programs is the capital program for rice planting called SIPLO. That’s an agricultural  program from Unisma lecturers that can produce 14 tons of rice in one hectare as well as our cooperation with the Chinese Government, Malang Regency Government which uses the Singosari area and us (Unisma) as Indonesia’s representative for the corn planting program which can also produce 14 tons in one hectare, “he explained.

The role of students is also not left behind such as in the Student Creative Development and Student Creative House programs which are funded directly by Unisma in 10 million rupahs for one proposal.

“We have prepared 1.5 billion rupiahs for this program. It has been running for two years and there have been about 35 to 50 proposals that we have been approved. This is competitive for students to continue  developing their creativity so that later it can be useful for the broader community” he explained.


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