University of Islam Malang (Unisma) through various study programs collaborates with Arema Media Group (AMEG.ID) and Land Deed Official Association or IPPATfor East Java Regional Office (6/7). The signing of the MoU was held at the Unisma graduate building. The  collaboration between media and universities is the most important component to make a positive contribution to society in general. The thoughts of academics are disseminated to the public through the media.
The signing of the MoU was carried out by the CEO of AMEG. ID, Imawan Mashuri SH MH, Director of the Unismagraduate program, Prof. Dr. HM Mas’ud Said, MA, PhD, and Chair of the IPPAT East Java Regional Office, Â Isy Karimah Syakir.
“We live in an era of cooperation and collaboration, no single profession can stand alone. Collaboration between universities, media, and professional organizations will have a good impact on society,” said Director of the Unisma graduate program, Prof. HM Mas’ud Said, MA, PhD.
This collaboration was between graduate program of Notary, graduate program of Law Sciences with AMEG.ID and Land Deed OfficialAssociation (IPPAT) East Java chapter as professional organizations which areconsidered to be an important element of collaboration.
CEO of AMEG.ID, Imawan Mashuri, SH MH welcomed the strengthening of cooperation with Unisma graduate program as the right format of collaboration. He further explained that Unisma is a university that has an extraordinary aura to increase active contribution to society.
“As an alumni of study program of Law Sciences and as a practitioner, Unisma has an extraordinary aura. I think what makes a regiondeveloped is the existence of university and media,” he said.