Islam Malang

Islam Malang


As the realization of independent learning concept, the Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Islamic  Malang (Unisma) held a MoU and testing of the products  from the 2020 Higher Education Leading Applied Research, related to herbal plants by collaborating with Griya Jamu Sitiara Batu city. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that it will be able to maximize the benefits of herbal medicine (jamu) so that they are easily used by the community.

The high dependence of the community on modern medicines has made Unisma through the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences develop herbal medicine. The development of herbal medicine was marked by the collaboration between Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Unisma and Griya Jamu Sitiara Batu city as well as testing of the 2020 Higher Education Leading Applied Research products.

It is hoped that the medicinal plant scientific program will slowly replace the dominance of modern medicine with medicinal plants that can be obtained by people from the surrounding environment.

The 2020 Higher Education Leading Applied Research product testing, a combination of herbal parasites of  tea and mango as a phytoformaka product preparation, is an alternative candidate for traditional Indonesian natural anti-hypertension, explained by Dr. Nour Athiroh, M.kes., which is then continued with the practice of making herbal herbal products from a combination of herbal parasite of tea and mango.

The dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Unisma, Dr. Dra. Ari Hayati, M.P, hopes that the scientific collaboration of Unisma’s herbal medicine will inspire the Faculty of Medicine in other campuses; so that local biodiversity can be utilized optimally.

Unisma will maximize its students and researchers to conduct research further on the benefits of the herlbal plant which will later be applied and made into a product that is easily made and utilized by the community through production houses such as CV Sitiara Batu city.

Apart from being attended by the director of Griya Jamu Sitiara, Ir Wahyu Suprapto with Manager of Sitiara, Dra Siti Hidjrati Arlina MM, dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Unisma, Dr. Dra Ari Hayati MP, deputy dean, head of study program and Unisma lecturers, this agenda was also attended by a number of Unisma students who are members of the research team.


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