Islam Malang

Islam Malang


High concern was shown by Unisma who worked with the alumni to give attention to the covid-19 impacted students. Unisma Alumni provide cash and food assistance to Unisma’s impacted students from outside the area who remain in Malang because they cannot return home. This assistance was also given to those from Malang.

The chair of Unisma Alumni Association, M Nuruddin, said that his party actively participated in helping his juniors. “This is a form of concern for the alumni community to respond to the impact of the spread of Covid-19,” he explained.

He believes that students who are still living in Malang might suffer from food security. From the data collected through the google form, there are around 700 Unisma students who are still in Malang and will receive  food assistance (15/4).

He further explained that the  assistance this time was in the form of cash Rp 100,000 and basic needs for student needs. This value can be spent on data packages to attend online lectures or for foods for 2 days.

Unisma’s  Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, greatly appreciated the alumni movement in raising funds for direct cash assistance. As an appreciation, the campus supports by providing 300 food packages after previously Unisma gave tuition fee worth cut 300 thousand rupiahs.

“Unisma really appreciates this extraordinary Unisma alumni movement. After we cut the the tuition fee 300 thousand rupiahs as concern  to our students, we will support this caring alumni activity by providing 300 food packages. ” the rector asserted.

Risna, a semester 8 student at the Faculty of Medicine of Unisma who also received daily need assistance from the alumni, admitted that she was happy and grateful. “I am very happy to get this assistance, thank God, I was able to help to reduce expenses as long as I could not return to my hometown” she said.


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