Islam Malang

Islam Malang


Ainul Yaqin mosque  of Unisma launched religion based school or commonly called Madrasah Diniyah (Madin) and contemporary studies. The inauguration was accompanied by donations for dozens of orphans, on Friday (22/1).

Unisma rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si,  appreciated the launching of Madrasah diniyah and contemporary study programs. With these two programs, the Ainul Yaqin Mosque of Unisma will be increasingly meaningful.

“This is what we’ve been waiting for because a mosque is not only a center of worship, but also a center for community empowerment, a center for education, a center for culture and civilization, “he explained.

Prof. Maskuri said that so far worship activities, education and empowerment studies have been running at this Unisma Mosque and developed to the field of culture and civilization. And this needs innovation and creative thinking from the caretaker board, the students of Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding School, and the Unisma Academic Community in general.

“The mosque is a center for the development of the ummah in various aspects. So innovation is needed to make the function of the mosque more optimal, “he said.

Prof. Maskuri emphasized that the students of Madrasah Diniyah at the Ainul Yaqin Mosque comprising 28 children are the Islamic generation. At the Madrasah Diniyah, their character is forged and strengthened by the Islamic values ​​of rahmatan Lil Alamin (mercy for all) . “People who are knowledgeable and who are based on the values ​​of Islam rahmatan Lil Alamin, are very  rare. So it needs to be cultivated by the Ainul Yaqin Mosque Diniyah Madrasah, “he said.

The contemporary study program will start next Sunday. The material will raise the latest issues from any fields such as economics, science, medicine, languages, education and so on and the speakers are Unisma lecturers.

Furthermore, Prof. Maskuri explained that later, contemporary study material would be integrated with the holy Koran.

That integration aims at strengthening the scientific field and faith of the Unisma academic community. Everything has a way, and the way to heaven is knowledge that must be continuously updated to improve the quality of piety and the quality of our life, “he concluded.

The event was attended by Unisma rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, Vice rector III, Dr. Ir. H. Badat Muwakhid, M.P, Director of mosque and Islamic Borading School of Ainul Yaqin of Unisma, Muhammad Zainul Fadli, M.Kes, Chairman of caretaker of  Ainul Yaqin mosque of Unisma, Kukuh Santoso, M.Pd.I and Head of Madrasah Diniyah of Ainul Yaqin mosque of Unisma, Dr. H. Syaifudin M.Pd.

Ainul Yaqin mosque  of Unisma launched religion based school or commonly called Madrasah Diniyah (Madin) and contemporary studies. The inauguration was accompanied by donations for dozens of orphans, on Friday (22/1).

Unisma rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si,  appreciated the launching of Madrasah diniyah and contemporary study programs. With these two programs, the Ainul Yaqin Mosque of Unisma will be increasingly meaningful.

“This is what we’ve been waiting for because a mosque is not only a center of worship, but also a center for community empowerment, a center for education, a center for culture and civilization, “he explained.

Prof. Maskuri said that so far worship activities, education and empowerment studies have been running at this Unisma Mosque and developed to the field of culture and civilization. And this needs innovation and creative thinking from the caretaker board, the students of Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding School, and the Unisma Academic Community in general.

“The mosque is a center for the development of the ummah in various aspects. So innovation is needed to make the function of the mosque more optimal, “he said.

Prof. Maskuri emphasized that the students of Madrasah Diniyah at the Ainul Yaqin Mosque comprising 28 children are the Islamic generation. At the Madrasah Diniyah, their character is forged and strengthened by the Islamic values ​​of rahmatan Lil Alamin (mercy for all) . “People who are knowledgeable and who are based on the values ​​of Islam rahmatan Lil Alamin, are very  rare. So it needs to be cultivated by the Ainul Yaqin Mosque Diniyah Madrasah, “he said.

The contemporary study program will start next Sunday. The material will raise the latest issues from any fields such as economics, science, medicine, languages, education and so on and the speakers are Unisma lecturers.

Furthermore, Prof. Maskuri explained that later, contemporary study material would be integrated with the holy Koran.

That integration aims at strengthening the scientific field and faith of the Unisma academic community. Everything has a way, and the way to heaven is knowledge that must be continuously updated to improve the quality of piety and the quality of our life, “he concluded.

The event was attended by Unisma rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, Vice rector III, Dr. Ir. H. Badat Muwakhid, M.P, Director of mosque and Islamic Borading School of Ainul Yaqin of Unisma, Muhammad Zainul Fadli, M.Kes, Chairman of caretaker of  Ainul Yaqin mosque of Unisma, Kukuh Santoso, M.Pd.I and Head of Madrasah Diniyah of Ainul Yaqin mosque of Unisma, Dr. H. Syaifudin M.Pd.


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