Islam Malang

Islam Malang

Malang Regency Government Collaborates with Unisma to Develop Agricultural Sector

The regent of Malang, Drs. Sanusi, MM, hopes that Unisma will be at the forefront of community development. Unisma’s track record is good in building community, making this campus trusted to collaborate with the government of Malang Regency.

Last Monday (27/7), a cooperation agreement was signed by the Faculty of Agriculture of Unisma and the Office of Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation of Malang Regency Government. The momentum was witnessed directly by Malang Regent, H Sanusi.

“We hope that Unisma will take the lead so that it can manage the progress of the people of Malang Regency,” said the Regent of Malang.

The signing was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Ir. Nur Hidayati, MP and Head of the Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation Office, Dr. Ir. Budiar Anwar. The agenda was held on the 4th Floor of the Unisma Foundation Building in the presence of Malang Regency Government officials and Unisma’s vice rectors.

On this occasion, the Regent of Malang regency said that all departments were urged to make a breakthrough for progress. The program must always collaborate with universities.

Unisma Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, asked the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Ir. Nur Hidayati, MP to immediately take action as a concrete implementation of the cooperation agreement. “The follow up action should be done soon  after the signing of agreement “he said.

According to Prof. Maskuri, the concept of pentahelix is ​​needed in an effort to achieve progress. It involves at least five elements that cannot be ignored. namely  the government, academics, business people, mass media and society.


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