Islam Malang

Islam Malang


“Freedom” learning is an expression that is easily expressed but not easy to apply. If it is not seriously perceived, it will have an impact on something that ruins the learning system itself. That was said by the Rector of Unisma, Prof. Dr. Maskuri, M.Si, at the National Webinar event as well as Halal Bi Halal with the Director General of Teachers and Education Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia.

According to him, the implementation of “freedom’ learning must be serious through preparation of concepts, strategies and instruments that support the effectiveness of learning. “If it’s not serious, it’s harmful which might lead to freedom to die or freedom to live, “he said

Prof. Maskuri said that freedom learning or campus is an appropriate concept applied to education in the midst of global dynamics. And it is determined by the attitude and quality of the teacher or lecturer. The industrial revolution is a challenge for academics to draw up education which is directed at the preparation of the community to face the digital era and society 5.0.

The Rector of Unisma further explained that the freedom learning is closely related to space and time; When and where children learn. In Islam, learning is not merely a suggestion but an order whose law falls on something that must be implemented regardless of the age and is implemented by applying religious values ​​and upholding the values ​​of brotherhood of mankind.

“Lifelong learning is a spiritual and human command for all people, communities and organizations. Education cannot be separated from divine and insaniyah values, “explained the Head of the PTNU Rector Forum.

In the Bi-Halal and Halal Webinar, Unisma presented the Director General of Teachers and Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Iwan Syahril, Ph.D, as the guest speaker. In his material he quoted the statement of the Indonesian Father of Education Ki Hajar Dewantara. Education is a place for sowing the seeds of culture. The relationship between education and culture is very close, with the aim of building the nation’s civilization.

The webinar with 1500 participants from various regions was officially opened by the chairperson of the Unisma foundation, Prof. Dr. H. Yaqub Cikusin, M.Sc. Also joining as a presenter was chairman of PPLP Maarif NU Indonesia, KH Zainul Arifin Junaidi, MM.

“I believe Unisma is able to become a creative, innovative and reformative campus, which not only can answer the challenges of the times but also provides challenges of the times,” he said.


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