Islam Malang

Islam Malang

Officially Inaugurated, Prof. Dr. H. MasykuriM.Si Returned to Lead Unisma

Prof. Dr. Maskuri, M.Si was officially appointed as the Rector of Universitas Islam Malang (Unisma) for the second period, 2018-2022, Saturday (1/12) yesterday. For the next four years, Prof. Maskuriwill focus on improving the capacity of human resources (HR) and management. Among them is increasing the number of professors.

The two priority programs for Unisma development in the future because this second period must be faster than before. HR capacity building is carried out by encouraging lecturers to take doctoral programs. It is planned that in the next 4 years as many as 75 percent of around 370 teaching staff have doctoral degrees.

“This second period must be stronger, we will strengthen the position of Unisma as the NahdlatulUlama College (NU) to become NU study references,” he said.

Meanwhile, to guarantee quality management, Unisma began in 2019 trying to incorporate into ISO 9001. It is planned that there are already several components ready to penetrate these international standards. Nevertheless, facilities and infrastructure will continue to be improved for student services. For example, I want to build a five-story library, a centralized laboratory, a business center to a two-story parking building. International cooperation is still intensified. “To increase Unisma’s capacity building in order to support the quality of our education,” he explained.


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