Unisma is increasingly in synergy with the provincial government of East Java. After the success of various collaborative programs, Unisma was again trusted to support the Social Service Organizational Structure and Work Procedure Restructuring (SOTK) program. This collaboration is none other than to realize East Java as a leading province in providing services to the community.
The rector of Unisma, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, said that in realizing fast, responsive and satisfying community services, SOTK restructuring is a must particularly in the social service environment which has very close interactions with the community. “We really appreciate this SOTK restructuring because this program is adaptive in nature, “he said.
The rector of Unisma also added that the restructuring of SOTK was a reflection of the East Java government in building a spirit of change. Although every policy is required to always adjust and be guided by the law, changes for the better are imperative.
So it is necessary to make changes to the organizational structure in various technical implementation unit of East Java. “To achieve the acceleration of good community services, changes need to be made. And this is absolutely  a must, especially in the current era, “he said.
Furthermore, Prof. Maskuri also hopes that the Restructuring of the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of the East Java Social Service will run smoothly and get good results. Hence it becomes an example for other provinces in Indonesia. “Unisma is ready to help the governor’s goodwill together with the technical implementation unit and other agencies,” he said.
Also, Maskuri expressed his gratitude for the trust of the East Java Provincial government. In this case Unisma was given the trust to be involved in the preparation of the organizational structure and work procedures of the East Java Social Service.
Unisma cooperation with the government and other agencies is a must. “And we are used to thinking hard about providing services to the public. So whatever cooperation offered by the central and provincial governments, we are always ready. The presence of Unisma is analogous to a tertiary institution that continues to provide benefits to anyone, “he said.
The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which discusses the Restructuring of the Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Social Service was held on Thursday (18/3) yesterday. This activity was attended by the Head of the East Java Province Social Service, Dr. Alwy. M.Hum and Head of PPM (Center for quality assurance) Division of East Java Province Bappeda (Regional Planning and Development) Ir. Sigit Panuntun, M.Si. Also present were the Vice rectors of Unisma, Director of graduate programs ofUnisma Prof. H. M. Mas’ud Said, M.M., Ph.D and Head of Research and community service unit of Unisma, Dr. Nour Athiroh Abdoes Sjakoer, S.Si., M.Kes.