Islam Malang

Islam Malang



The rector of Unisma, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, signed a cooperation agreement with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. The cooperation agreement document was signed on Wednesday (2/6) yesterday, at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung.

The collaboration is on the protection and use of intellectual property and the Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC). The goal is to accelerate the development of innovation and intellectual property rights for lecturers, especially in the Unisma environment.

In this case, the Directorate General of Intellectual Property cooperates with 22 universities throughout Indonesia. One that is trusted is Unisma as a leading university which has a strong commitment in educating the nation’s generation.

The decision to cooperate with those campuses is the result of an assessment and evaluation from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights itself as campuses that have been running research and patent programs. “We are not a campus that has just started those programs, but they have been running and continuing to be developed,” said Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si to New Malang Pos.

He said that the cooperation agreement resulted in several agreements. Among them in the near future there will be trainings from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property in the form of workshops and training. The focus is to encourage lecturers to be more active in conducting research, innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). “So they not only produce something, but their products should also be patented. Because it is a work that needs to be appreciated and has the opportunity to get a reward,” he said.

Unisma itself has a grant financing program. One of the outputs produced is innovation. With the cooperation and assistance from the Director General of Intellectual Property, the program will certainly continue to grow.

In the future there will be meetings initiated by the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights as an effort to evaluate the achievements of this collaborative program with several universities. “The Director General encourages this collaboration to produce real results that must be built,” he concluded.


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