Islam Malang

Islam Malang



Several lecturers from Unisma conducted a study on the combination of tea and mango parasites. This herb is considered to be an antihypertensive drink so that it can prevent Covid-19.

Coordinator of Community Service of Unisma, Dr. Nour Athiroh AS, SS, M.kes, explained that the combination of tea and mango parasites is efficacious in lowering blood pressure. “During the current COVID-19 pandemic, information on plants that are efficacious is needed to help with problems in the community,” she said.

Community Woman Association cadres of Batu City were very enthusiastic about participating in this training. Because in addition to getting information about the benefits of the combination of tea and mango parasites, the Community Service also offered a free health check by the team of Unisma Faculty of Medicine.

“The purpose of this training is to empower and provide knowledge to the community about the efficacy of the combination of tea and mango parasites as antihypertensive and COVID-19 prevention. Hence, the Community Service participants were trained on how to make a combination of tea and mango parasites. This agenda then proceed with the puzzle game on the introduction of various kinds of herbs. They were also asked to discuss the names of the herbs and the benefits they received,” explained Dr. Nour Atiroh.

In this activity, the Community Woman Association of Batu City Mobilizing Team was provided with three materials regarding hypertension and medicinal plants that have the potential to lower blood pressure by qualified resource people, namely dr. Erna Sulistyowati, M, Kes, Ph.D, and Dr. apt. Yudi Purnomo., M.Kes.

Meanwhile, the head of working group 2 of Community Woman Association of Batu City, Hj. Wibi Asri Punjul Santoso, felt grateful for all the training provided by Unisma. “We are very grateful and happy to learn about the existence of tea and mango parasites as alternative medicines that are cheap, easy, and have very good benefits,” she said.


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