The Roadmap of Indonesian Education welcomes a Golden Indonesia in 2045. It was the main discussion in Unisma’s 8th Lustrum sharing session. The academics led directly by the Rector of Unisma, Prof. Maskuri, shared with the Chairman of Commission X of Indonesian House of Representative, H Syaiful Huda, in the Abdulrahman Wahid hall
Prof. Maskuri said that educational institutions have had an impact on movements in the economic sector. Higher education institutions in Indonesia consist of 90 percent of private universities and 10 percent of state universities “If the private sector does not receive budget support, how can we develop education during this pandemic. Therefore, the Smart Indonesia Card cannot be separated. It must be disbursed in educational institutions, especially private ones, ”he emphasized.
Private universities also need more attention related to internet quota to support online learning. “The education sector gets 20 percent of the national budget. Therefore, education which is the locomotive of development in Indonesia should not be neglected, “he said.
Chairman of the Commission X of Indonesian House of Representative, H Syaiful Huda, on this occasion said “This roadmap for our education is actually my personal request to Nadiem Makarim when he was inaugurated as Minister of Education and Culture. ” he said.
He asserted that there are several basic reasons, one of which is the absence of a blue print so that his party encourages the Ministry of Education and Culture to use a more participatory approach in its preparation especially by involving academics and practitioners, who are in direct contact with the community.
On the same occasion, Syaiful Huda also expressed his appreciation to Unisma. Because it has a big role in Islamic education in Indonesia. “Unisma is an icon, a symbol of private higher education that is idolized by the Indonesian people and even the international world, and I want this symbol continuously shines into the future. I always hope Unisma will become the main reference for all Islamic universities, “he said.