Islam Malang


The attention of hundreds of students from 28 countries is focused on Unisma. They are participants of the 2021 International Student Exchange of Idea (ISEoI) which was held from April 5 to 6. In the event which was held online, the participants shared experiences and exchanged ideas.

“So this is an exchange of ideas regarding the learning process either during or before the Covid-19 pandemic,” explained Unisma Rector, Prof. Dr. H Maskuri MSi (5/4).

Some of the participants who confirmed their participation are from the United States, China, Germany, Japan, Russia, Egypt, Ghana, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Palestine, the Philippines, Somalia, Spain, Timor Leste, and Zimbabwe. ” 28 countries have registered for the event,” he said.

According to Prof. Maskuri, this kind of exchange of ideas enable the participants to open up insights about the importance of knowing learning models, especially with the existence of the government program of Independent Learning – Independent Campus. “Yes, it is hoped that it will open up insights to students, especially Unisma’s, that there are good practices in learning models. Moreover, with this government program, learning is no longer always in the classroom, ”he added.

Meanwhile, when opening the 2021 SEoI in Unisma, Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, stated the importance of taking an active role by students in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be done by doing four things, namely promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative. In front of students from 28 countries, he explained the important role that youths can play in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports explained that from the 2019 data of Central Beaureu of Statistics, it was known that the number of youths reached 24 percent of the total 267 million Indonesian citizens. “24 percent of the total population is crucial to take part in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. Unisma students are also in it, “he explained.

