Islam Malang

Islam Malang


Salawat Diba ‘ (praises to prophet Muhammad) once again echoed in Unisma, Saturday (20/2). This Prophet’s salawat was again being chanted. The longing of the Unisma Community for the Prophet was unstoppable. Due to the pandemic that hit during the past year, the chanting of salawat halted including joint dhikr and maulid (celebration of prophet Muhammad’s birth day)

Unisma rector, Prof. Dr. H. Maskuri, M.Si, expressed his longing to chant  salawat diba ‘ together in a routine way. “How we miss the Prophet. It has been a long time since we carried out the activities of the maulid, diba ‘and dhikr together, “he said.

Because of that longing, Unisma on that occasion also launched the Salawat Diba ‘ chanting. After being inaugurated, the maulid diba ‘ will be held regularly at Unisma Ainul Yaqin Mosque. The agenda is scheduled every Saturday of the third week. “Because the Prophet’s prayers are an inseparable part of Unisma,” said Maskuri.

Furthermore, the rector  of Unisma emphasized that there is a great lesson in the joint salawat recitation. He also quoted one of the hadiths of the Prophet, which relates to the virtues of the joint dhikr. The hadith was narrated by Imam At-Tirmidzi.

That is the meaning of the hadith. “If you pass by the gardens of heaven, then stop happily. The companions of the prophet asked, “what are the gardens of heaven? Prophet Muhammad replied, “Halaqah-halaqah zikir (Joint dhikr)“.

Prof. Maskuri explained, there are many lessons in attending the joint dhikr. Among them are the angels who bring God’s grace so that it provides peace and blessings. “The angels will spread their wings, while praying and asking Allah for forgiveness,” he explained.

The launching of the  salawat diba’ chanting is symbolized by the delivery of a diba’ book by the  rector to three people namely to the representative of the congregation of the Ainul Yaqin Unisma mosque, representative of the care taker of the Ainul Yaqin Mosque and representative of the Unisma foundation.

After the launch of this program, Prof. Maskuri also hopes that the scientific talks  will also begin to be carried out routinely namely after the midday prayer is finished. In his statement when launching the Ainul Yaqin mosque religous school  some time before, Maskuri also conveyed this matter. Religious talk can be carried out on a schedule. Every day the lecturers take turns presenting material based on their scientific field background. Then the material is integrated with Islamic values.

Thus, he said, the existence of the Ainul Yaqin Mosque would truly become a center of worship and civilization. Moreover, this mosque is located in the academic community. Hence it should be a center for the development of knowledge. “This means that a mosque is not only a place of worship, but also a center of learning through scientific talks and joint dhikr . We have to integrate the Ainul Yaqin Mosque with campus activities, “he said.

The launching event was continued with the chanting of salawat diba ‘. This agenda was attended by the rector, vice rector, foundation administrators, dozens of Unisma lecturers and praying members  of the Ainul Yaqin Mosque. The recitation of the salawat was held  solemnly. Some were seen crying because of the deep emotion and longing for Prophet Muhammad. This event was held in the covid-19 health protocol


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