Islam Malang

Islam Malang

Hari Santri




Unisma commemorates the 2021 National Santri Day. This is the spirit of the Unisma academic community so that they can take examples from the former students who were persistent in defending and struggling for independence.

The vice-rector 3,  Dr. Ir Badat Muwakhid, MP,  explained that after independence, of course, various sectors, be it the education sector, social sector, and others, have to be promoted.

“But the spirit that is taken, of course, must remain like the spirit of the kiai (religious figures) and santri who had persistence in struggling for independence. That is why Unisma employees and lecturers must understand more and use the spirit to improve their performance,” he said.

Then, related to the tagline for the commemoration of the 2021 National Santri Day, it carries the tagline Santri Siaga Jiwa Raga (Santri ready with psychological and physical devotion). The tagline, he explained, was a form of the attitude of Indonesian students to always be ready to devote their life psychologically and physically to defending the homeland and continuing to maintain Indonesian unity and world peace.

Siaga Jiwa ( psychological devotion ) means that students are not negligent in maintaining the sanctity of their hearts and morals, adhering to the faith, values, and teachings of Islam, as well as the noble traditions of the Indonesian nation. “Don’t let his soul ill”. For example, in politics, you must have good politics. Bureaucracy is not corrupted. They have to be inspiring,” he said.

Siaga raga (physical devotion ) means energy, and the work of students should be dedicated to the nation. Therefore, students must continue to be involved in the development and should not be tired of trying and continue to work to build Indonesia. “In the Unisma context, we do the construction of infrastructure and others,” he said.

The National Santri Day has been commemorated with various activities, starting from the webinar on “Ideal Figures of NU Leaders Approaching a Century”, the short video contest of Santri Building the Nation to its climax activity, santri-style cleaning by wearing sarongs.

“We cleaned places such as boarding schools in the style of santri, wearing t-shirts and sarongs. Later, all faculties will follow. There is a competition that has not been completed yet, singing songs in pesantren (Islamic boarding school) style,” he explained.


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