Islam Malang

Islam Malang



The Faculty of Islamic Studies of the University of Islam Malang (Unisma) held the first international conference on Islam and Global Civilization (IConIGC). This online agenda through the Live Streaming Youtube Channel and zoom meeting was attended by several university delegates from various Unisma partner countries such as those from Indonesia, Australia, England, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, Wednesday (14/7).

The dean of faculty of Islamic Studies, K.H. Drs. Anwar Sa’dullah, M.PI,  said that this first IConIGC was attended by 30 presenters presenting interesting topics, some of which are the ideas of participants from various foreign universities.

The speakers who joined the agenda include  Dr. Afifullah Rifa’i, Ph.D., from Unisma Indonesia, Dr. Burhan Bin Che Daud as dean of the Faculty of language studies and human development, University Malaysia Kelantan, Imam Sheikh Mohammad Ismail, from The University of Sheffield Deputy Lieutenant for South Yorkshire, Prof. Sumanto Al Qurtuby, Ph.D., as head of Scientific Research in Social Sciences of King Fahd University, and Prof. Greg Fealy as Associate Professor in Department of Political And Social Change, Australian National University.

Unisma’s rector, Prof. Dr. Maskuri, M.Si, appreciates the performance of the Faculty of Islamic Studies which has successfully held an international conference involving several universities in the world. “Through this conference, we want to build the mindset of academics around the world that Islam is moderate, tolerant, and harmonious. So we invite you to be tolerant amid differences in religious pluralism,” he said.

Many Unisma programs have been implemented through the spirit of collaboration with foreign universities such as student exchanges, collaborative research, community service program, scientific studies to the preparation of theses writing which take a lot of data from abroad.

“We appreciate this international conference activity because it will be a magnet for the world community to get to know Unisma more closely and become a part of Unisma’s internationalization efforts towards a world-class university,” he concluded.


The Faculty of Islamic Studies of the University of Islam Malang (Unisma) held the first international conference on Islam and Global Civilization (IConIGC). This online agenda through the Live Streaming Youtube Channel and zoom meeting was attended by several university delegates from various Unisma partner countries such as those from Indonesia, Australia, England, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, Wednesday (14/7).

The dean of faculty of Islamic Studies, K.H. Drs. Anwar Sa’dullah, M.PI,  said that this first IConIGC was attended by 30 presenters presenting interesting topics, some of which are the ideas of participants from various foreign universities.

The speakers who joined the agenda include  Dr. Afifullah Rifa’i, Ph.D., from Unisma Indonesia, Dr. Burhan Bin Che Daud as dean of the Faculty of language studies and human development, University Malaysia Kelantan, Imam Sheikh Mohammad Ismail, from The University of Sheffield Deputy Lieutenant for South Yorkshire, Prof. Sumanto Al Qurtuby, Ph.D., as head of Scientific Research in Social Sciences of King Fahd University, and Prof. Greg Fealy as Associate Professor in Department of Political And Social Change, Australian National University.

Unisma’s rector, Prof. Dr. Maskuri, M.Si, appreciates the performance of the Faculty of Islamic Studies which has successfully held an international conference involving several universities in the world. “Through this conference, we want to build the mindset of academics around the world that Islam is moderate, tolerant, and harmonious. So we invite you to be tolerant amid differences in religious pluralism,” he said.

Many Unisma programs have been implemented through the spirit of collaboration with foreign universities such as student exchanges, collaborative research, community service program, scientific studies to the preparation of theses writing which take a lot of data from abroad.

“We appreciate this international conference activity because it will be a magnet for the world community to get to know Unisma more closely and become a part of Unisma’s internationalization efforts towards a world-class university,” he concluded.


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